I think the question is interesting. I think tzenes' answer is very interesting.
I also think the question is off-topic.
In my opinion, the question as currently written does not address an actual problem that the OP is facing. It may be a question that a game designer might ask (Why do I have to plan for 60 fps when movies are 24 fps?), but that doesn't really matter for this site.
If the question were something like "I bought X and I'm having trouble getting my graphics card to work with it, it seems like framerate is an issue, but I can watch movies just fine on my PC, why is this a problem?", then I can see it as being closer to on-topic for the site ... but I think the focus would still need to be on the problem with the game itself. The difference between movies and TV/gaming is nice background to know, but not something a gamer can use to address a problem.