Our rate of unanswered questions is quite low, but it could still be better. Looking through some of the top voted questions that are still unanswered, a number of them fit this pattern
"Is there a way to do X?"
In many cases the answer is probably "No", but since it is hard to be conclusively sure that is the case, we end up with no answers.
Would it be better to give some of these a conclusive answer? That way visitors to the site won't think that we are just ignoring the question. And the answer can always be deleted if it is later proven to be wrong.
Some examples:
Is there errata available for the Final Fantasy VIII BradyGames guide? (This one I actually did give a "No", although it again seems like one of those inconclusive cases)
Is it still possible to disconnect gates in the latest version of X3TC?
Filter by game mode in SingStar?
Is there any way to see a list of tips in Words with Friends?
Edit: Another new question that falls into the "No, but nobody can 100% prove that to be the case" category