I am of course aware that voting on Meta is different than on the main site, most particularly in the fact that it does not have any rep impact. Recently though, I've begun to wonder if everyone interprets upvotes and downvotes on Meta questions the same way.
Some things I think it could mean:
- I like or do not like this question. My upvote means I think this is something we should discuss, something that matters. My downvote means the opposite. (this is what I always thought it meant)
- I agree or do not agree with this question. My upvote means I agree with the asker? My downvote means the opposite.
- And of course - I like/dislike the asker of this question. Which I suppose always plays a role.
Some specific examples of where I am confused by the community's voting include this question and this question, which I believe represent 2 and 3 respectively. Are there other possible meanings? What does an upvote or downvote on a Meta question mean to you?