This is a yearly view of traffic for Arqade, the area highlighted in pink shows the duration of the contest.
For the duration of the contest (including announcement and fallout), traffic improved by approximately 10k users on average.
Correlation does not imply causation however. The most effective metric would be views on each particular question that fell within the boundaries of the contest, but hasn't updated with that information yet.
However as seen below, it is fair to say it did not dramatically increase traffic as previous contests did. We could speculate that we have already reached our traffic "cap" for this site or other factors tainted this particular game (e.g. the extremely long public beta creating a false launch date, or the general lack of excitement around an expansion versus a full on game). There may not have been enough coverage for the contest as well, such as a ramp up period and sufficient advertising.
For comparison, the full view of our history (I will need some help figuring out all these data points):
- A: Skyrim Contest
- B: ?
- C: Mass Effect 3 contest, followed by League of Legends sponsorship/Contest
- D: Diablo 3 contest
- E: ?
- F: ?
- G: AnswerSwarm