As you may or may not be aware, a certain video game came out yesterday. I enjoy looking for questions that I may be able to help out on Arqade, but I don't really want to spoil myself for this game; I'm slightly behind because I have not finished Ground Zeroes yet. Yesterday, the questions about MGSV seemed to be pretty good about avoiding spoilers in the title, but today I saw (don't even read the URL from the hyperlink if you are also trying to avoid spoilers) a particularly bad onea particularly bad one.
I just wanted to know if there are any policies against these kinds of blatant spoilers on Arqade, at least while the game is still new? If not, I suppose I could filter the MGSV tag... but what if I start getting far enough in the game that I want to help out others, without finishing it? (I frequently did this while playing Dark Souls and Dark Souls 2)